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How I went from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset within a year

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Last week I attended a business event, was basically all about Online Marketing, providing others with the main fundamentals of having a successful online business. The ability to work anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection and a decent Laptop. I’m already doing this anyway, but I feel its always sensible to attend these kinds of meetups and gain more knowledge. I really enjoyed the event actually. Was great in order for me to connect with others. Connecting with those that are likeminded is never a bad thing. There’s always someone I can learn from, and someone that can tell me something that I am not aware of.

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I  now realise you can never obtain enough knowledge. This may be through the internet, books, people, social media, and the list goes on. When I look back at the old version of me, I realise that I limited myself, I limited myself to thinking I needed to work for others in order to be a success. I doubted the fact they I could do something independently. This is no longer the case- I have gradually shifted into a growth mindset. I used to always consider starting a business, and then just stop as I felt it wasn’t good enough, or was concerned about what others thought of this. Now, putting it nicely I couldn’t give a toss. I feel like I’m in such a good place doing something that I want to. Even if it means sleeping later than I normally would, or missing the occasional social gathering.  Let me tell you this.. I try things and sometimes I fall completely flat on my face, but I have never made that have an impact on me pursuing it again. I have never made someone stop me from doing what I wanted to do neither.

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So the question you are probably thinking is ‘Do you have a job alongside your business?’

In response to the question, yes I do. I am still needing security to pay my bills and the occasional treat. Also, in order to invest in anything for the business, it requires money, so I always have to make sure I’m afloat. But I will say this, I feel so positive pursuing something that I’m genuinely passionate about. Now don’t get me wrong, I still have my down days, and I still feel like sometimes I want to give up. I know where I want to head, and I’m fully aware of my goals. I used to feel quite embarrassed when people asked me what I wanted to be when I was older because, to be honest, I didn’t have a clue really. I knew I always loved to teach others but was never 100% sure if I wanted to become a teacher long term for numerous reasons.

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I always remember my ex-partner telling me he wanted to become a wrestler, and I laughed. Now, looking back.. who the hell am I to laugh at someone else’s dreams?  We can be whatever we want to be, it may take patience and commitment but we can all get there. As long as your passionate about something why can’t you go grab it?  Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not good enough to do something, and if they do, challenge them. Challenge them so hard, and get your reward. Even if you don’t have a certain skill you require, go and get it and stop limiting all the things that you can achieve, and all the things waiting for you.

I will continue to stand on my two feet, and do what I feel passionate about. I will continue to learn and seek new things via meeting new people. I continue to push to remain a social creature and understand the needs of others.


CSW Marketing

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